About Carolyn


I’m Carolyn, a Space Clearing practitioner, a Priestess, trained by the East Anglia Goddess Temple and Sacred Circle facilitator.

I call this work ‘the beautiful revolution’.

Holding space for women in Circle and bringing Goddess energy back into our collective conscience. Honouring the seasons following the wheel of the year to connect to the land. Learning and understanding the old ways, bringing them into this modern world with a contemporary twist.

I started regularly Space Clearing my own home about 30 years ago but it wasn’t until I learnt how to map dowse remotely that I started to really see and feel the long term benefits. Now I can heal, balance and harmonise home and land energies remotely anywhere in the world.

My Flaming Groovy candle range and Tatty La La Headwear has effortlessly glided into my She Shines Brightly world to become an eclectic Emporium of wonderful offerings. To uplift and ritualise moments in your day to encourage mindfulness and self care with a carefully curated stable of products and services by myself and talented female artisans. Each with a foot deeply planted in the earth, rooted in nature, connecting us to plant magic and gifting us a moment in time to feel present and connected. 

And so it is.

Tatty La La Flower Crowns